Solar Energy Pay-Per-Click

Like SEO, pay-per-click (PPC) is the art of bringing traffic to your site.  But instead of using keyword-rich content, you rely on keyword-rich, clickable ads (e.g. AdWords).

The effectiveness of your solar PPC stems from two important factors – the quality of your ads and the quality of your landing pages.  At Solar Energy Writers, I can help with both.

High Quality Solar Ads

Because most of the major ad platforms have very strict word quotas, you have to fit your entire message into a very limited space.  And that message must be engaging and compelling enough to win a reader’s click over any of your competitors.

At Solar Energy Writers, I excel at generating actionable traffic at minimal cost.  With measurable results, daily reporting, and detailed analytics, you can track the effectiveness of my efforts and decide for yourself.

High Quality Solar Landing Pages

Unfortunately, clicking on a solar ad is only the first step.  Once a potential customer has reached your site, you must entice him or her to take that next critical step, whether it’s to fill out a form, request more information, or make an actual solar purchase.

This is why a standard homepage is not the ideal entry point for anyone clicking on an ad.  Each solar landing page should feature a customized call-to-action that syncs with the message of whatever ad brought the visitor.

Let Solar Energy Writers manage your search engine marketing campaign.  I can help you design enticing solar ads and effective landing pages that accurately addresses your users’ needs.  To learn more, please contact me directly.


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